Spiced Rum
Our flagship spirit. A small-batch blend of spiced & barrel-aged rums handcrafted with five all-natural spices.
We macerate our gold medal award-winning white rum with cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, clove & crystalized ginger. This artisan process is unique in the trade due to inherent expense and labor needed to yield the perfect result. With one taste you will discover the superior flavor compared to other artificially or concentrate based spiced rums. Then we blend in aged rum and finish with blackstrap molasses and a double-fold Madagascar vanilla extract.
This rum is born at the region’s largest beach party and is the same Spiced Rum poured at Seacrets, Jamaica USA.
Awards: SFFWS Bronze Medal (2019), ADI Bronze Medal (2018), NYISC Bronze Medal (2018), ADI Best of Category (2017), ADI Silver Medal (2017), World Spirits Competition 1st Place Overall (2018), World Spirits Competition 2nd Place Overall (2017), Bernard M. Seid Best of Show Award (2017)